Tuesday, January 22, 2013

DB versions of the Top Weight Training Exercises: Part 1

I recently read two very good articles by two great minds in the field that discussed the best weight training exercises to build muscle.  Click on the links below the full articles.


These articles are just straight forward about listing a small group of exercises that should be a staple in everyone's workouts.  Although the titles suggest that these exercises are for muscle building, they are also important for strength, speed, and athleticism as well, and should be done by both males and females who looking to improve their fitness level, body composition, and/or athletic performance.  Below are the exercises that each of the author's list (* exercises appear on both lists)...

Even-Esh's Top 8
1. Squats*                                       
2. Deadlifts*
3. The Bench Press*
4. The Military Press*
5. Pull Ups
6. Ring Push Ups
7. Sprints
8. Farmer Walks*

norb Top 10 Weight Training Exercises for Building MuscleFerruggia's Top 10
1. Snatch
2. High Pull
3. Overhead Press*
4. Squat*
5. Deadlift*
6. 1 Arm DB Row
7. Flat or 15-30 Degree Incline Press*
8. Farmers Walk*
9. Kettlebell Swing
10. Sled Dragging/Pushing

My purpose for this series of articles is not to elaborate on the exercises listed above, these authors already did a great job explaining why these exercises made their lists.  My goal is to present how to do many of these exercises when you only have DB's available.

Right now, between teaching and training, I spend much of my time away from home.  Because of this, I want to spend as much time at home as I can, but also want to make sure I get good quality workouts in during the week, so I decided to workout at home.  Although I have more equipment at home then the average fitness oriented person, I do not have any barbells (BB) or plates, which are needed for many of the exercises above.  I think many people realize that DB exercises can have many benefits to a program, but often can be criticized because it is difficult to make some DB exercises difficult enough to get the same amount of work accomplished as their BB counterparts.  Below are DB exercises I use in my programs that allow me to work strength similar to some of those on the lists above.

Squats appear on both of the authors' lists above, so as many know, they are pretty important. For beginners, you could progress through DB Goblet Squat, DB Front Squat, DB Suitcase Squat (DB's hanging at your sides), and DB Goblet Split Squat.  These will lead you to the first of two DB squat variations in which you can build some serious leg strength and muscle.

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats
Also known as Bulgarian Split Squats, Rear Foot Elevated (RFE) Squats can even an advanced lifter gain strength.  Here are the variations in the progression I use...

RFE Goblet Squat

The RFE Goblet Squat helps teach correct technique while giving the lifter an easy way to hold the DB.

RFE DB Front Squat

The RFE DB Front Squat still helps the lifter maintain proper technique, but allows for more weight to be handled.

RFE Suitcase Squat or RFE DB Squat

By the time the lifter reaches this progression, their technique should be pretty solid, so the RFE Suitcase Squat can be used to allow the lifter to use even more weight.  Some beginners using this variation will have a tendency to lean to far forward.

Although it's not along the lines of this article, the next progressions would be the RFE BB Front Squat and the RFE BB Back Squat, both of which can build some very serious leg strength.

Pistol and Single Leg Squat Variations
The type of squat that can build size and muscle without a barbell are the Pistol and Single Leg Squat Variations.  These exercises can be intimidating for many because they can be very difficult or impossible for many people to do with just body weight.  The videos below show ways to progress up to using DBs to build greater leg strength.

BW Single Leg Squat Variation

I like to athletes/clients with Single Leg Squats instead of Pistol Squats because the Single Leg Squat allows a person to keep a more upright position in the torso, as well as making it easier to avoid a rounded back.  The video above shows how to progress the exercise without using weight, moving just from a toe touch to a full parallel Single Leg Squat.  If you can't touch your toe down to the ground for the first progression, place an object below your foot to touch.

Single Leg Goblet Squat

Once a person has achieved success on the body weight variation, they can then move on to the goblet style shown above (or could use a DB Front method, not shown).

Pistol Squat Box

Pistol squats have become a very popular leg exercise, and for good reason.  They develop balance and good unilateral strength.If you can not perform any true pistol squats or can not do enough reps to complete a full workout, the above video shows how to progress to a true pistol squat by performing Pistol Box Squats.  If you fall to the box, the box is too low!

Full Pistol Squat

After you can complete Pistol Box Squats and do them well, you can progress to a true pistol squat.  The above video shows 3 variations of the Pistol Squat: going to parallel depth, going to full depth, and using a DB goblet style for resistance.  You could also hold 2 DBs in the front position.

Being able to back squat a large amount of weight is a good display of leg strength, but I'm more impressed with athletes that can pistol squat well with weight.  I have seen many guys that have 500+ lb squats that can not do a full pistols squat, and I think you need to be able to do well squatting both bilaterally and unilaterally to say you have good leg strength.

If you don't think squats are the king of all strength exercises, then you likely believe the king is the deadlift. Deadlifts are even more difficult than squats to without a barbell and plates because of the amount of weight that can be done and the lack of the changes in tempo you can do with the deadlift compared to the squat.  For DB variations of the deadlift, beginners can start out with DB Sumo Deadlift, DB RDL's, Single Arm/Single Leg RDL's, and Single Leg/Double Arm RDL's.

Single Leg Dead Lift Variations

Single Leg Dead Lifts, or aka by some as a Knee Touch Squat, are similar to the Pistol Squat as they can be difficult for many people to do, even without any weight.  The above video goes through the progression of being able to do a SL Dead Lift with DB's, starting with using just your bodyweight and touching a higher object.

One difference between a SL Dead Lift and a SL Squat is that in the squat your torso stays upright, but in the dead lift, you lean over so that your upper body is against your thigh.  If you can not control yourself all the way down to the ground, use an object under your back knee.  If you can not hit the object, or ground, under control, you need to use a higher object.  If you don’t have an object to touch and you can’t control yourself to the ground, set your back foot down for assistance as needed.  Try not to push off your back leg as you raise your body back up, unless you absolute need to. 

SL Dead Lifts can also be done without touching your back leg, just lower yourself as far as you can.  Some find this type easier, some find it more difficult, but it can be beneficial to switch up the variation that you do.  I have recently started do in them on a bench so I can touch my knee to the back of the bench but my foot will not contact any surface.

Rear Foot Elevated (RFE) DB Deadlift

The variation that I like most because you can really pull some heavy weight, is the RFE DB Deadlift.  This is similar to the RFE Suitcase Squat, but it has two major differences.  First, you will start each rep with the weight resting on the ground.  Second, to get the weight to the ground, you will have to lean over with your chest almost resting on your thigh.  By being in this position, the exercise becomes a lower body pulling movement that will work your glutes and hamstrings.  Your hip joint will almost be as low as your knee joint.  Make sure you back is tight and flat or slightly arched, do not allow your back to be rounded.  At the bottom, tighten your glutes and abs and then pull up.  Control the weight on the way down.  Always make sure you have the proper starting position before lifting the DB’s.  For a variation, hold the DB's in a pronated manner rather than neutral, which will make the lift slightly more difficult.  

I hope you are able to take some of these variations and add them into your training.  Even if you are not limited to only DBs, the variations of Squats and Deadlifts above are a great way to get some unilateral training into your workouts, and you can even progress the RFE versions above into BB lifts like the RFE Front Squat, RFE Back Squat, and RFE BB Deadlift.

Look for Part 2 of this series soon!

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