Friday, August 24, 2012

4 Keys to Reaching Your Goals

If you were a subscriber to my old newsletter, you may have seen this, but it's good to see again...

I wanted to hit on a subject that will help you not just in fitness, but in all aspects of life. There are four main things that I believe you need to do to make the chances of reaching a goal much more likely.  If you're having trouble making goals, I'll have a future post more on how to set goals.  Think of a goal you do have and use the four following keys to reach that goal.

1) Make a commitment to your goal. 
After winning 8 golds, Phelps made
the commitment to be back in 2012.
Many times in fitness, this commitment is to make a change in your life. It may be as little as losing 5 pounds, or as big as finishing an Ironman Triathlon. What is more important than just making a commitment to do something is making a commitment to take the steps to get there. In fitness, it will be different for everybody, but most likely it will involve exercise and equally important, proper nutrition.  Are you willing to make the changes to reach your goals?  Also, are you willing to get by the obstacles that will get in your way?  Make sure your goal is something you can commit to.  

2) Be consistent. 
Once you figure out what the steps are to get to your goal, you need be consistent in following those steps. If you follow your exercise program one week but do not eat well, and then eat well the next week, but miss most of your workouts, you will have problems reaching your goal. Here are quick hints to help you be consistent. 

After taking break after '08, Phelps
consistently hit the gym & pool.
Every Sunday, plan out your weekly workouts. Plan what you will do on each day, and your the approximate time that you will perform your activities. You'll be less likely to miss workouts when you have them planned out.  Be realistic when you are setting up your workout times.  If you're not a morning person, don't set up times at 5am.  If you are a person that just can't give in to an invitation to hang out with friends and family after work, don't plan your workouts then.  With that being said, there will be times that you will have to a decision to make; hang out or workout?  If you're serious about your goal, you will have the willpower to tell others you have a prior commitment.  

Also, plan out your meals. You may not do this a week in advance, but at least a day in advance, decide what you will be eating the next day. If it involves making a lunch, make it the night before. You'll be less likely to just throw in things that may be unhealthy just because they're convenient. Also, pay attention to if you have special events coming up that will cause you not to eat the best things (fantasy football draft, wedding shower). Then you can make sure most of your other meals during the week are good so you can enjoy those events a little.

3) Work Hard!!!! 
Not many things of importance or value come without hard work. You may win something in a drawing or the lottery, but how often do you win the powerball? What I'm getting at is that you may come across some success in life without putting in the work, but how often do you reach that goal that you really want without putting in the effort. The same goes for fitness, you need to put in the effort to see results.  

This means that you'll have to work hard physically and mentally.  Physically, you are going to have to put yourself past your comfort level to achieve your results.  Mentally, you are going to have to resist temptations and keep in the proper mindset to stay motivated.  This is not always easy.  

4) Have Fun!!!! 
Not every part of the process may be fun,
but success is more likely when you enjoy
what your are doing.
It is possible to work hard and have fun at the same time. Not all work will be fun and not all fun things will help you reach your goals, but there is a time and a place for each. The best case is if you find fun in your work. If you can find physical activities that are fun for you, you will probably see better results than if you did a program that you did not enjoy. If you work hard often, plan some fun activities to relax. Just make sure that your fun activities do not make you take a step in the wrong direction away from your goals.

Over time, I'll hit more specifically on topics above, but I just wanted to get those four ideas out there. I hope that you can see that the above will help you achieve goals in all areas of your life.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Be Different & Get to Work

Just wanted to share a couple of good posts from some highly respected strength coaches, and then give you my take on them.

Basically Martin talks about how people that want to be fit are the minority in this day in age.  It's hard enough for many people to be dedicated enough to make a change in their life to work out and eat healthy, but it becomes even more difficult when so many others will, whether intentionally or unintentionally, try to sabotage your efforts.  I get this often from people, " can skip your workout today", "you can eat this, it's not like you have to watch what you eat".  Well myself and most others that are in good shape didn't get to where we're at from skipping workouts and eating whatever we want, we got the way we are by being dedicated, disciplined, and working hard.  You don't have to workout everyday, or eat perfect everyday, but those times when you are not doing those things need to be a part of your plan, not someone else's.  Be proud of your goals and your efforts, and don't let others that are probably just jealous of your efforts bring you down.

This is what we're up against! Don't let this be you or your family.

Second is by Jason Ferruggia called "Are You Guilty of Using One of These Pathetic Excuses"

This article just gets at the fact that if you truly want to better yourself, you can't be making excuses.  Most of the excuses he listed just are truly pathetic, but as you read them you may think that there are some legit ones.  Well look again!  I bet there is a way to get around any of those "legit" excuses listed. If you do have bad knees, find a type of squat that will help improve them, they do exist.  If you didn't eat enough today to feel like you can get a good workout in, either have a quick shake, or if you have to, do a light workout.  Just do something, and next time plan better so that you are prepared to workout.  The point is, eliminate the excuses and get things done!

Set your goals, make no excuses, and succeed!

Start today!  If you don't know what to do, go for walk, ride a bike, play with your kids or your dog, do old fashioned push ups, squats, and/or sit ups during commercial breaks.  Those things will at least get you started, but your next step is to find a workout program that will work for you, and stick with it for at least 2 months.  Don't do P90X one week, Insanity the next, then move to a functional training style program, and then to strongman workouts.  You may see results, but stick to a program a few months before changing.  Same goes with your diet, do some research and find a type that works for you.  I'm really liking intermittent fasting, but it may not be the right thing for you.  But again, whether it's Atkins, Paleo, carb cycling, etc., choose one and stay with it awhile and see if it works for you.

In the future I will try to give you more specifics on workouts and eating plans that you can utilize, but I just wanted to get these two articles out to you to hopefully inspire you to make a change and get to work!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Speads Performance Blog

Hello All,
This blog will be used to share fitness, nutrition, motivation, coaching, and other related information with my followers.  I will also share what's going on with Speads Performance training and others that I will be working, which I will most likely be announcing a new group that I will be working with soon, just going through all the final stages right now.  Thanks for checking out the blog and I hope to have a bunch of useful information up soon!